Rigid printed circuit boards
Rigid PCBs are available in many different varieties, differentiated by the number of layers, base materials used, construction methods, interconnection schemes as well as areas of use. Cicor is offering rigid PCBs with 1 to 12 layers with a clear focus on miniaturization in x, y and z axis.
Cicor is using (ultra-) thin high-end base materials, with CTE values in x and y down to below 8 ppmK-1, to minimize the CTE mismatch. The construction of the boards can either be parallel or sequential. Using state-of-the-art equipment, blind microvias as well as through holes can be drilled either mechanically or with laser. Subsequently, vias can be filled with copper to enable via stacking or staggering and via-in-pad designs. The utilization of these advanced design features is maximizing the design freedom and is one of the key factors for miniaturization.
All standard surface finishings can be deposited on the boards, providing our PCBs with finishings for all assembly methods used.
High accuracy routing and laser machines are enabling us to cut outer contours with very tight alignment tolerances to the etched patterns.
Additional features like:
Edge plating
Controlled impedances
Plated or non-plated cavities
can be offered as well.
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